![Environmental researcher Evan Baddock downloads river gauge data from a remote station near Doubtful Sound in Fiordland. The dense bush obscures the Lyvia River, just metres away. [Dave Allen for NIWA]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5bd8ca51cef37236b37b7c53/1541217096364-DJT1ZL4ZNGVJI8XCLAKI/river_gauging_DSC_5583_credit_dave_allen_NIWA_sm.jpg)
tāngata | people
He aha te mea nui o te ao. He tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata. What is the most important thing in the world? It is people, it is people, it is people.
Māori proverb
![Environmental researcher Evan Baddock downloads river gauge data from a remote station near Doubtful Sound in Fiordland. The dense bush obscures the Lyvia River, just metres away. [Dave Allen for NIWA]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5bd8ca51cef37236b37b7c53/1541217096364-DJT1ZL4ZNGVJI8XCLAKI/river_gauging_DSC_5583_credit_dave_allen_NIWA_sm.jpg)
Environmental researcher Evan Baddock downloads river gauge data from a remote station near Doubtful Sound in Fiordland. The dense bush obscures the Lyvia River, just metres away. [Dave Allen for NIWA]

The Kaipara Moana Remediation programme (KMR) sponsored this year’s Tinopai Fishing Competition. Why is this a big deal? It’s raised more than $20,000 for Tinopai School. Contestants came from Australia, Tauranga and ‘just down the road’, but most importantly it’s helping to focus awareness on serious environmental issues around Kaipara harbour. [Funding - KMR, Director - Dave Allen]

Jay Clarke and his family run Woodhaven Gardens, a commercial vegetable growing operation in Horowhenua. The company supplies broccoli, beetroot, cabbage, lettuce, spinach, pumpkin, courgettes and more to wholesale and retail markets. [Dave Allen for Ravensdown]

[VIDEO] In 2007, Orete – a Māori Incorporation in a remote part of East Cape was in very deep trouble. A pump failure had caused dairy shed effluent to spill into waterways and on to the sea. It put the Incorporation in bad light and a fine ensued, but it was something of a turning point for Orete - here's their story. [Dave Allen and Reece Baker for MPI / NZAGRC]
![Dr Wendy Nelson - New Zealand's leading authority on seaweeds. [Dave Allen for NIWA]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5bd8ca51cef37236b37b7c53/1541216809730-06LS6DT4OD2XNE95FCSY/DSC_0216_revised.jpg)
Dr Wendy Nelson - New Zealand's leading authority on seaweeds. [Dave Allen for NIWA]

[VIDEO] The region around the Balleny Islands, just north of the Antarctic continent, is a known foraging area for humpback whales. NIWA researchers aim to determine why the Islands are so a popular. [Dave Allen for NIWA]
![Precision Agriculture guru Craige Mackenzie says no matter which way you look at it - environmental, economic, carbon footprint - "you'll end up using the same technology". [Dave Allen for MPI / NZAGRC]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5bd8ca51cef37236b37b7c53/1657576604634-P0CIQHVZKHK1TPI2MLX2/image-asset.jpeg)
Precision Agriculture guru Craige Mackenzie says no matter which way you look at it - environmental, economic, carbon footprint - "you'll end up using the same technology". [Dave Allen for MPI / NZAGRC]

[VIDEO] Scientists from the Australian Antarctic Division, NIWA and NOAA use new technologies to locate Antarctic blue whales in the Southern Ocean to better understand the population, their habitat and diet. [Dave Allen for NIWA]

Every year, in the last days of summer, Glaciologist Dr Brian Anderson and a team of climate scientists photograph the extent of glacial ice along New Zealand’s Southern Alps. The data is used to document the advance or retreat of our glaciers and help model future changes. [Dave Allen for NIWA]

[VIDEO] Associate Professor Markus Luczak-Roesch and partner teacher Carol Brieseman explain online citizen science with a little help from students at Hampton Hill School in Tawa. [Dave Allen for Victoria University of Wellington]
![Dr Cecile de Klein immigrated to New Zealand in the 1990s. Agricultural greenhouse gas was not widely researched at the time, however Cecile is now one of this country's foremost experts in the area. [Dave Allen for MPI / NZAGRC]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5bd8ca51cef37236b37b7c53/1657579910052-CI7CTUHJCSQTPDKGYGHB/image-asset.jpeg)
Dr Cecile de Klein immigrated to New Zealand in the 1990s. Agricultural greenhouse gas was not widely researched at the time, however Cecile is now one of this country's foremost experts in the area. [Dave Allen for MPI / NZAGRC]