video + photography + story
 A Jersey calf lines up for a profile shot amongst spring pasture on a Waikato dairy farm. [Dave Allen for Blackland PR / Royal DSM]

ahuwhenua | agriculture

Agriculture is our wisest pursuit, because it will in the end contribute most to real wealth, good morals & happiness.

Thomas Jefferson

 A Jersey calf lines up for a profile shot amongst spring pasture on a Waikato dairy farm. [Dave Allen for Blackland PR / Royal DSM]

A Jersey calf lines up for a profile shot amongst spring pasture on a Waikato dairy farm. [Dave Allen for Blackland PR / Royal DSM]

[VIDEO] Emma Crutchley's family have been farming on Puketoi Station in the Māniatoto since 1939. They've had to adapt to many issues outside of their control over this time. Keeping a positive mindset is helping them get their heads around the latest challenge - greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. [Funding - MPI / NZAGRC, Director & Camera - Dave Allen]

 Mid-winter in Central Otago. [Dave Allen]

Mid-winter in Central Otago. [Dave Allen]

[VIDEO] Not long after Lynda and Tony Gray purchased their Manawatū hill country property, severe weather wreaked havoc with soil erosion, land slips and fencing damage. So how did the storm change their outlook on farm planning, tree planting and stocking rate? [Funding - MPI / NZAGRC, Director & Camera - Dave Allen]

 Robin Oakley - South Island grower of potatoes, broccoli, pumpkin, beetroot and more. [Dave Allen for MPI / NZAGRC]

Robin Oakley - South Island grower of potatoes, broccoli, pumpkin, beetroot and more. [Dave Allen for MPI / NZAGRC]

[VIDEO] Rick Burke and Jan Loney have managed to halve their sheep and beef farm's greenhouse gas emissions at the same time as doubling their profitability - hard to believe - but yes this is possible. [Dave Allen and Cameron Williamson for MPI / NZAGRC]

 Canterbury livestock. [Dave Allen for MPI / NZAGRC]

Canterbury livestock. [Dave Allen for MPI / NZAGRC]

[VIDEO] A sneak peak into the not-so-distant future of farming in New Zealand. Precision Agriculture guru Craige Mackenzie says no matter which way you look at it - environmental, economic, carbon footprint - "you'll end up using the same technology". [Dave Allen for MPI / NZAGRC]

 Wairarapa livestock. [Dave Allen for BlacklandPR / Royal DSM]

Wairarapa livestock. [Dave Allen for BlacklandPR / Royal DSM]

[VIDEO] Tane and Clare Bradley have so much fire and passion to do great things in the world - their company AgriSea was announced winner of Hi-Tech Kamupene Māori o te Tau – Māori Company of the Year for 2022. [Funding - AgriSea NZ, Director & Camera - Dave Allen]

 A Jersey cow - early morning on a Waikato dairy farm. [Dave Allen for Blackland PR / Royal DSM]

A Jersey cow - early morning on a Waikato dairy farm. [Dave Allen for Blackland PR / Royal DSM]

The whenua now known as Pouarua Farms has been through many changes over the past century or so. In 2013, the land returned to control of Ngāti Maru, Ngāti Paoa, Ngāti Tamaterā, Ngāti Tara Tokanui and Te Patukirikiri. At that time, the whole property was in dairy - some big changes have now been made to improve profitability and environmental footprint. [Funding - MPI / NZAGRC, Director & Camera - Dave Allen]

 Early morning harvest time on the Canterbury plains. [Dave Allen for MPI / NZAGRC]

Early morning harvest time on the Canterbury plains. [Dave Allen for MPI / NZAGRC]