If you have a bit of land in the Kaipara Moana catchment area - KMR can help fund tree planting and fence installation. This video shows you how to make it happen. [Funding - KMR, Production - Dave Allen]
A research team from NIWA, the University of Auckland and WSP has been investigating the question - what would happen if an ex-tropical cyclone such as Cyclone Gabrielle directly hit Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland? High winds, heavy rain, and wave surges - how would this affect New Zealand’s largest city? [Funding - Resilience to Nature’s Challenges, Production Team - Dave Allen and Caitlin Carew]
For decades, mud and sediment have been flowing into Kaipara Moana. The health of the harbour and everything in it has suffered greatly. Kaipara Moana Remediation is now working with landowners and community groups to restore the mauri of this beautiful place. [Funding - KMR, Production Team - Dave Allen and Pascale Otis]
Anewa Station in Hawkes Bay is an Ahu Whenua Trust with over 5,000 beneficiaries and a 100-year vision for the land. The trustees have introduced a mosaic of land uses to minimise the impact on te taiao, improve resilience to severe weather and provide options for future generations. [Funding - MPI / NZAGRC, Director / Camera - Dave Allen]
The whenua now known as Pouarua Farms has been through many changes over the past century or so. In 2013, the land returned to control of Ngāti Maru, Ngāti Paoa, Ngāti Tamaterā, Ngāti Tara Tokanui and Te Patukirikiri. At that time, the whole property was in dairy - some big changes have now been made to improve profitability and environmental footprint. [Funding - MPI / NZAGRC, Director & Camera - Dave Allen]
Not long after Lynda and Tony Gray purchased their Manawatū hill country property, severe weather wreaked havoc with soil erosion, land slips and fencing damage. So how did the storm change their outlook on farm planning, tree planting and stocking rate? [Funding - MPI / NZAGRC, Director & Camera - Dave Allen]
The Kaipara Moana Remediation programme (KMR) sponsored this year’s Tinopai Fishing Competition. Why is this a big deal? It’s raised more than $20,000 for Tinopai School. Contestants came from Australia, Tauranga and ‘just down the road’, but most importantly it’s helping to focus awareness on serious environmental issues around Kaipara harbour. [Funding - KMR, Director - Dave Allen]
The Veracity Lab is looking for solutions to an ancient question: How can you verify something is what it appears to be? In this era of digital technology, social media and artificial intelligence the problem has become much more widespread. So what work is currently being undertaken to help tip the scales back in favour of the end users? [Funding - Science for Technological Innovation National Science Challenge, Director - Dave Allen]
Aotearoa Patient Safety Day is all about elevating the voice of New Zealand's health consumers. Dr Tammy Pegg, consultant cardiologist at Te Whatu Ora Nelson Marlborough, and Jodie Bennett, kaiwhaihua at Changing Minds talk us through what this looks like in practice. [Funding - Te Tāhū Hauora Health Quality & Safety Commission, Producer - Zelda Edwards, Camera / Editor - Dave Allen]
Warning people about what the weather might do - to our roads, buildings, and the environment around us - is the future of forecasting. Dr Sally Potter of GNS Science tells us about impact-based forecasts and warnings and how they can help reduce the impact of extreme weather. [Funding - Resilience Science Challenge, Producer - Dave Allen]
In 2019, Canterbury dairy farmer Dion Gordon experienced something of a nightmare. The Rangitata River burst its banks, flowed onto his farm and took a huge swathe of topsoil out to sea. Dion had no choice but to de-stock - but what happened next might surprise you. [Funding - MPI / NZAGRC, Director & Camera - Dave Allen]
Emma Crutchley's family have been farming on Puketoi Station in the Māniatoto since 1939. They've had to adapt to many issues outside of their control over this time. Keeping a positive mindset is helping them get their heads around the latest challenge - greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. [Funding - MPI / NZAGRC, Director & Camera - Dave Allen]
Seismologist Dr Bill Fry snaps some sticks in the name of science communication. But how on earth does this relate to the simulation of 1 million earthquakes and revising New Zealand’s tsunami evacuation zones? [Funding - Resilience Science Challenge, Producer - Dave Allen]
Te Tāhū Hauora Health Quality & Safety Commission supports consumers being actively involved in decision making about their health, at all levels. But what does that look like in real life? [Funding - HQSC, Director - Zelda Edwards, Camera - Dave Allen]
GNS Science researcher Dr Andrea Wolter has been surveying the extent of landslide damage caused by Cyclone Gabrielle, as well as the risk of on-going hazards. In this video she tells us about the work her team as been doing and a new tool that helps predict where the worst landslide damage is likely to be. [Funding - Resilience to Nature’s Challenges]
Susanne Cummings is a senior peer support worker at Vaka Tautua. She explains what co-design is in 30 seconds for Te Tāhū Hauora - Health Quality and Safety Commission. [Funding - HQSC, Director - Zelda Edwards, Camera - Dave Allen]
Northland dairy farmer Andrew Booth has dropped 30 cows out of his system yet produces more milk than he used to. How does that work? Take a look at everything else Andrew and his family are doing to reduce on-farm greenhouse gas emissions, increase biodiversity and improve freshwater quality. [Funding - MPI / NZAGRC, Director & Camera - Dave Allen]
It was a real honour to have been asked to work with Tane and Clare on this video for the NZ Hi-Tech Awards. They have so much fire and passion to do great things in the world - last night their company AgriSea was announced winner of Hi-Tech Kamupene Māori o te Tau – Māori Company of the Year for 2022. [Funding - AgriSea NZ, Director & Camera - Dave Allen]
In 2007, Orete – a Māori Incorporation in a remote part of East Cape was in very deep trouble. A pump failure had caused dairy shed effluent to spill into waterways and on to the sea. It put the incorporation in bad light and a fine ensued, but it was something of a turning point for Orete - here's their story. [Funding - MPI / NZAGRC, Camera - Reece Baker, Director - Dave Allen]
Hugh Ritchie operates a complex arable, horticulture and livestock farm in central Hawke's Bay. In this video he discusses his work on improving soil health, increasing efficiency, maintaining good profits and keeping greenhouse gas emissions low. [Funding - MPI / NZAGRC, Director - Dave Allen]