![A mid-winter sunrise over Lake Pukaki with contrasting shadows and light, cold and warmth, blue and gold. [Dave Allen for NIWA]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5bd8ca51cef37236b37b7c53/1657508044872-Z6VZ618WUKWLXC6UVI1Y/690_credit_dave_allen_NIWA.jpg)
taiao | environment
You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of a difference you want to make.
Jane Goodall
![A mid-winter sunrise over Lake Pukaki with contrasting shadows and light, cold and warmth, blue and gold. [Dave Allen for NIWA]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5bd8ca51cef37236b37b7c53/1657508044872-Z6VZ618WUKWLXC6UVI1Y/690_credit_dave_allen_NIWA.jpg)
A mid-winter sunrise over Lake Pukaki with contrasting shadows and light, cold and warmth, blue and gold. [Dave Allen for NIWA]

[VIDEO] For decades, mud and sediment have been flowing into Kaipara Moana. The health of the harbour and everything in it has suffered greatly. Kaipara Moana Remediation is now working with landowners and community groups to restore the mauri of this beautiful place. [Funding - KMR, Production Team - Dave Allen and Pascale Otis]
![Early morning on the banks of the Rakaia, one of the largest braided river systems in New Zealand. [Dave Allen for NIWA]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5bd8ca51cef37236b37b7c53/1657237032702-XH7FLVY93OVYPJVNH7IE/river3_DSC_6472_credit_dave_allen_NIWA+copy.jpg)
Early morning on the banks of the Rakaia, one of the largest braided river systems in New Zealand. [Dave Allen for NIWA]

[VIDEO] Anewa Station in Hawkes Bay is an Ahu Whenua Trust with over 5,000 beneficiaries and a 100-year vision for the land. The trustees have introduced a mosaic of land uses to minimise the impact on te taiao, improve resilience to severe weather and provide options for future generations. [Funding - MPI / NZAGRC, Director / Camera - Dave Allen]
![Sunlight breaks through an overhead gap in the podocarp forest, illuminating Matai Falls, Otago. [Dave Allen]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5bd8ca51cef37236b37b7c53/1541213278288-5P1XE3KAA3GUGHF91V5A/matai_falls_DSC0593_credit_dave_allen_NIWA.jpg)
Sunlight breaks through an overhead gap in the podocarp forest, illuminating Matai Falls, Otago. [Dave Allen]

[VIDEO] The on-going rise of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is not only changing our climate – it is also changing our oceans. This is a story about ocean acidification - what is it and why should we care? [Dave Allen for NIWA]
![The 2016 Kaikoura earthquake raised the parts of the seabed up to eight metres, these rocks are now above water for the first time. [Dave Allen for NIWA]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5bd8ca51cef37236b37b7c53/1541212157777-GDA0UEVB47O6ZA0JE6KQ/kaikoura_DSC1630_credit_dave_allen_NIWA.jpg)
The 2016 Kaikoura earthquake raised the parts of the seabed up to eight metres, these rocks are now above water for the first time. [Dave Allen for NIWA]

[VIDEO] Green Hydrogen - what is it? and more importantly, what do the researchers at GNS Science think about it? [Dave Allen for GNS Science]

A young boy and his wider family prepare for a fishing trip near Bairiki, South Tarawa. Fishing offers the people of Kiribati an easy way to make a living, however a significant degradation in lagoon water quality may soon affect this way of life. [Dave Allen for NIWA]

[VIDEO] Improvements in water supply throughout rural Fiji have created sanitation issues relating to greater volumes of waste water for disposal. NIWA scientist Chris Tanner discusses cost effective solutions. [Dave Allen for NIWA]
![Since 1990 the Tasman glacier has retreated an average of 180 metres per year. The lake at the terminus of the glacier (top right) is a result of the glacier's decline, before 1973 it did not exist. [Dave Allen for NIWA]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5bd8ca51cef37236b37b7c53/1541213902909-ZPIIGC31VX3J1V35MUHI/snowline_survey_mt_cook_G0033734_credit_dave_allen_NIWA.jpg)
Since 1990 the Tasman glacier has retreated an average of 180 metres per year. The lake at the terminus of the glacier (top right) is a result of the glacier's decline, before 1973 it did not exist. [Dave Allen for NIWA]
![Wellington’s south coast often plays host to some of New Zealand’s most extreme weather. In June 2013, huge swells damaged the sea wall, roads and private property. [Dave Allen for NIWA]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5bd8ca51cef37236b37b7c53/1657507601618-RDCJMGTLF6XH2TFJU3DW/image-asset.jpeg)
Wellington’s south coast often plays host to some of New Zealand’s most extreme weather. In June 2013, huge swells damaged the sea wall, roads and private property. [Dave Allen for NIWA]